Learning Agreement Erasmus Viadrina

1. Zarejestruj sia na learing-agreement.eu lub na aplikacji. Please fill in the coordinator that is responsible for your learning agreement at your home university The part „Before the mobility“ needs to be filled and signed before you start your stay abroad as an exchange student. Usually at this time of the academic year our faculties did not yet publish the updated course catalogs for the coming semester. That`s why you can create this part of the OLA only based on the archived race catalogs from previous semesters. Presentations and videos of the International Day can be found in Moodle. With this platform, you can complete your online Learning Agreement yourself and make changes. You can also download the Erasmus app and record and process the learning agreement in the app. Once you`re registered, you have the same user data (username and password) on the app and on the portal. Nale-y pami-tita, `e zatwierdzenie tej cz-ci Learning Agreement b`dzie tymczasowe, z uwagi na to, `e ostateczne przedmioty studenci wybior po przybyciu do Frankfurtu iprowadz i w drugiej cz-ci Learning Agreement. These information will help you fill out the Online Learning Agreement (OLA).

Option 2: Let your home university send your application documents by email to students-in@europa-uni.de For using this option the emailed documents should be sent by the International Office or your responsible Departmental Coordinator at your home university, not from your private email address. The application should come as a good quality PDF file. Please don`t send any JPG or CamScanner documents. For both options please make sure that your application form is duly signed by you and confirmed by your home university. After your arrival here you will get enrolled by our admission office. As part of the Erasmus programme, the European Commission has adapted to digital development and has developed a platform for students and universities to deal with online learning agreements. So far, this platform can only be used for exchanges between Erasmus universities. We ask students outside the Erasmus programme to use the paper apprenticeship agreement form. 2.

Wype-nij Learning Agreement i podpisz go online. Dalsza pomoc przy wype-ninieniu znajduje sio tutaj. W ramach programu Erasmus – komisja Europejska dostosowa-a sie do rozwoju cyfrowego, dzi-ki czemu powsta-a platforma, ktàra umo-liwia studentom jak i r-wnie-uniwersytetom wype-ni learning Agreement online. Aktualnie dokument ten w wersji elektronicznej mo-liwy jest tylko dla student-w bior-cych udzia w programi Erasmus. Student-w spoza programu Erasmus, prosimy o przes-ania Learning Agreement w formie papierowej na uczelni. Please note that this way our confirmation of this part of your Learning Agreement is automatically a provisional confirmation, since your final selection of races needs to be adopted to our real course offer after your arrival here. The „Before the Mobility“ part of the learning agreement will be completed and signed as part of your application before the start of the exchange. Since the updated course lists of our faculties are not yet published at that time, you can only create this part of the Learning Agreement based on the archived directories of previous semesters. Please note that our confirmation of this part of the learning agreement is automatically a provisional confirmation, as the final choice of course must be adjusted accordingly after you arrive in the second part of the learning agreement.

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