Vline Enterprise Agreement

Bombardier Transportation (VLine Classic) Australia – MVW Agreement 2015-19 PACIFIC NATIONAL ASSET AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT 2019 Laing O`Rourke Australia Construction Pty Ltd Victorian Rail Infrastructure – Electrical Works 2011-2014. Our employees are highly skilled, passionate and committed, but to succeed as a single team, One Metro and in this changing environment, we need to create a more modern job with flexible staff that offers our employees satisfying jobs and careers for the future. The EA-INFRASTRUCTURE came into effect on Friday, November 1, 2019, rolling Stock EA on February 18, 2019 and Rail Operations EA on Thursday, May 28, 2020. Wilson Security (Luggage Hall Operators) 2012 Infrastructure (PDF) Rail Operations (PDF) Rolling Stock (PDF) Metro Trains Melbourne Infrastructure EA 2016 – 2019 Working with our employees in the agreement of our upcoming company agreements has been a top priority for all of us in conducting the negotiations. These new agreements will help us shape our people for the future and together we can build a prosperous and progressive subway for all. To view our current corporate agreements, click on the following links: V/Line Rail Operations & Administration Employees Agreement 2019 PACIFIC NATIONAL INTERMODAL DIVISION TERMINAL OPERATIONS ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT 2018. . . .

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