Greece Troika Agreement

„First Pillar: Dealing with the Humanitarian Crisis“ (…) – „Our programme of immediate management of the humanitarian crisis, at an estimated cost of around 2 billion euros, boils down to a vast network of emergency measures to create a shield for the most vulnerable social strata.“ „Free electricity for 300,000 households currently below the poverty line, up to… 3,600 kWh per year [52]. » (…) „Food assistance program for 300,000 families without income.“ [53] (…) „Free medical and pharmaceutical care for the uninsured unemployed.“ [54] (…) „Residential Guarantee Program.“ The project will rehabilitate old and abandoned homes, ensuring the provision of 25,000 new homes with subsidized rents in the first phase. [55] Measures for small retirees. [56] We have already committed to restoring small pensions in phases. We are also now committed to re-entering the „13th pension“ at 1,262,920 pensioners with a pension of up to 700 euros. This measure will be phased in and, depending on the economic situation, will be available to all 20,000,000,000,000 people and all employees. Lower costs for public transport. (…) „Second pillar: restarting the economy (…) The second pillar focuses on economic stimulus measures. Priority is given to the end of the current fiscal policy, which, despite its negative effects on the real economy, is pursued [57] by the implementation of a new sisachtheia [58] and the „provision of liquidity and increased demand“. Our economy is now abysmal. „Excessive taxes on the middle class and those who do not tax tax evasion have locked many citizens into a situation that directly threatens their employment status, their private property, regardless of size, and even their physical existence, as evidenced by the unprecedented number of suicides.“ Workers, peasants, [59] employees, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, in short, the body of the real economy is plagued by taxes that it cannot resist. Soon, they will face a new pandemic: banks will seize their private property, because it is difficult for them to repay the loans they took out before the crisis, before their jobs disappeared, before their incomes were attacked and their stores closed. The government`s stubborn decision to overburden the poor with additional costs will inevitably lead to a dead end, simply because we cannot get anything from someone who has nothing to give.

You only have to look at the arrears that have been officially documented, but which have not been collected by the state, to see how twisted the policy is: the current amount amount amounts to about 68 billion euros. [60] Each month, the amount increases by 1 billion euros. (…) 1. Measures to „immediately revive the tax adjustment for the real economy“ „immediately halt criminal proceedings as well as the collection of bank accounts, principal residence, wages, etc. and the issuance of a tax certificate to all those involved in the settlement process.“ (…) With these measures, we hope not only to provide respite for those who are suffering, who are the backbone of the economy, but also to stimulate the real economy by exempting them from the tentacles of taxes and supplements, which are completely unproductive because they are not cashed. If debts and down payments are regulated, the resources needed for tax relief and fair distribution of expenses will be our immediate rewards. In addition, as part of the economic stimulus package, we announce the immediate cancellation of the new property tax. 2.

„Immediate removal of the current single property tax (ENFIA) “ because it symbolizes the social injustice that the Samaras government`s economic policy manages. (…) ENFIA cannot be corrected or improved – it can only be removed. [61] In its place: We will introduce a large socially fair property tax (FMAP) and no one will be taxed on the imputed income.

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