Enterprise Agreement Education

The ACT Public Sector Administrative and Related Classifications Enterprise Agreement 2018-2021 came into force on April 3, 2019 and expires in nominal terms on October 31, 2021. This agreement applies to all administrators, senior managers and school assistants. The current agreement for school assistants came into force on April 3, 2019. There are employment contracts for all employees of the department. To access the corresponding agreement, select one of the following job categories. On 31 July 2020, the workers concerned received a communication on the rights of workers` representation with regard to the proposed Department of Education and Training (2020). Communication is a formal requirement under the Fair Work Act 2009 and specifies the right of workers to be represented by a bargaining representative in relation to the proposed agreement. Agreements between unions and employers are negotiated more regularly (usually every two or three years) and registered by the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC). After registration, the provisions of the agreement apply to all workers in the workplace who are employed under the industrial agreement. The ACT Public Sector Education and Training Directorate (Teaching Staff) Enterprise Agreement is the agreement under which teachers and school psychologists work.

It is a formal, legally enforceable agreement that we regularly enter into with the ACT government and defines wages, allowances, leave, workload and much more. The ministry is entering into negotiations for a new enterprise agreement covering nurses in the Primary and Secondary Program under the 2016 Department of Education and Training. Prices qualify minimum conditions of employment and serve as a safety net. Agreements are collective agreements that set conditions of employment and additional rights for certain workers and their employers. Our school assistants work as part of the ACT Public Sector Administrative and Related Classifications Enterprise Agreement. It is a formal, legally enforceable agreement that we regularly enter into with the ACT government and defines wages, allowances, leave, workload and much more.

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